Morrisons has rolled out an initiative that aims to end the waste of edible food in its 498 supermarkets.

Across the UK, unsold food that is still safe to eat is now being made available and donated to local community organisations. These groups are now able to come to the store and collect the food that would previously have been wasted during the week. This includes fresh fruit and vegetables as well as products such as tins and packets.

It follows a trial in over 100 stores in Yorkshire and the North East. It involves building a network of community organisations who can make use of the food.

The level of edible waste is already minimised through measures such as discounting food before it can no longer be sold or using it in our own staff canteens.

The small percentage of edible food in Morrisons stores that is wasted is currently used to produce energy rather than going to landfill. This initiative will ensure it gets eaten.

Andrew Clappen, Group Corporate Services Director, said: "We don’t like the idea of good food going to waste and this programme will ensure that we find a home for the small amount of unsold food in our stores."

Mary McGrath, CEO of FoodCycle, one of the recipient organisations said, "We have 10 hubs close to Morrisons stores and we will be taking food from those stores. This will allow us to feed more people who are at risk of loneliness, isolation and hunger and we would urge other organisations to take part."

Are you part of a local community group using this new system? Please share your story with #unsoldfoodM